Thursday, February 6, 2014

Contrast is Sexy

Virtually every human being alive in every culture entertains a variety of sexual fantasies and desires, yet almost no discussion has shed light on why certain things are sexy.  This blog offers a theory which might explain the motivations of those who seek to control society.  The sexiest situations are characterized by stark contrast.  Large, muscular men dominating petite waifish girls generally constitutes the most common preference across cultures.  However, this contrast stands opposed by an unnatural contrast: the domination of large, muscular men by petite waifish girls.  This new contrast characterizes so called progressive cultures and explains their every idiosyncrasy.

In response to this amped culture of female supremacy, two exaggerated responses are possible for men.  They can either double down on dominance or completely submit.  There are no other options left or they lose male identity in the broader culture.  For those men who double down, fetishes involve contrasts which contrast female purity and corruption.  Spilling the pure seed of life in a sweet girl's dirty shithole.  Tying up a warm trusting girl with cold chains in order to betray her.  Punishing a girl who is innocent, kind, and gentle.  For those men who submit totally, fetishes involve contrasts of male superiority and weakness.  A business executive being pegged by a young intern.  A financially enslaved cuckold powerlessly watching as his wife is bred by a better endowed man.  A small man being abused by a large woman.

The intensity of such contrasts have a social cost.  A functional society encourages limited contrast in sexual desires such that men do not need to be brutes and women do not need to be wimps nor the inverse.  Healthy societies thereby encourage unity, harmony, organization, and happiness.  Societies ready to die generally exhibit a more pronounced contrast in sexual fantasies and are characterized by division, aggression, chaos, and misery.

The contrasts which get a person off generally inform the totality of their personal and political views.  Men who are dominant generally support right wing positions to shackle women while women who are dominant generally support left wing attempts to shackle men.  The alternative to these prurient psychosexual conflicts is to disassociate one's sexuality from one's politics and way of life.  Shackle only those who harm others. This is the only way of peace.

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