One who lives the martial way develops a comprehensive understanding for violence lacking in the majority of the population. Training to use one's own body in a lethal capacity and resist the lethal intentions of others tends to destroy many illusions about pain, victimhood, fairness, and danger. A true warrior cannot relate to naive conceptions of violence and has a predisposition to offending and frightening those who lack similar experiences.
Gun control is one topic which perfectly illustrates the disconnect between warriors and typical sheep. A warrior realizes that human beings have always killed one another through a variety of different means, all of them more or less effective. They realize that guns are simply a more effective extension of one's intent, whether that intent is good or evil. Therefore, the warrior who seeks an end to gun violence seeks to destroy evil intent, not merely remove the means of expressing that intent. Cowardly sheep seek merely to attack the opportunities for evil people to harm them, as though taking the gun away from someone who intends to kill is the only necessary step to prevent that person from killing someone.
This issue relates to form versus function. Sheep focus only upon the form of violence: how it looks. They see a gun, feel fear, and band together to abolish guns forever so they feel safe... until knife attacks become a new object of fear. A warrior focuses on the function of violence. They understand that preventing access to weaponry without destroying evil intent will continue to result in killing. Below are problems in the logic of gun control:
1. Shooting people is already illegal. Those who currently own and carry guns legally cannot legally shoot anyone and get away with it. Those who go around shooting people to death virtually always get killed themselves or locked up, and those who intend to kill others do not bother to go through the process of legally obtaining their firearms in order to commit criminal acts.
2. Gun control is impossible. Because criminals often obtain firearms through illegal means, only law abiding citizens will be disarmed by gun control, often to the great benefit of professional predators. Gun control will not reduce gun violence. It will decrease the options of law abiding citizens who must defend against it.
3. Gun control is a slippery slope with no end. Let's assume that gun control actually keeps criminals from obtaining guns. Great. But people keep getting stabbed. Let's also make knives illegal. Cool. But wait, we forgot about bows and arrows, spears, heavy flashlights, farming implements, blackjacks, construction tools, rocks, and sticks. Might as well make all hand held objects illegal. But then evil people will continue to beat, choke, gouge, and rip one another to death due to their evil intent which never got addressed in the first place.
4. Firearms are not nearly as deadly as believed. 80% of handgun shooting victims survive. Concealable guns are not always the most efficient method to kill someone. One of the fastest mass killings in history took place between the Hutus and Tutsis and machetes were the primary tool of choice, not guns. Despite this lack of equipment, the Sudanese genocide killed people at a faster rate than the Jewish Holocaust. A hunting arrowhead fired from a modest bow can instantly impale and disembowel a struck victim with one shot and no plans are in place to take them off the market. Other examples of deadly items left out of the gun debate abound.
5. Evil intent does not require a weapon to harm and kill. Before guns, serial murderers used different tools. A school full of children can be barricaded shut and burned down far more easily than individually shooting everyone inside. Serial stranglings and stabbings used to terrorize sheep in the days before concealable guns.
Hopefully, this list can shed light on the absurdity of gun control legislation which will neither prevent criminal access to guns, nor reduce the evil intent of murderers.
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