Monday, February 2, 2015

Racial Cuckoldry and the Pathetic European Female

A cursory view of contemporary popular media shows a distinct self annihilating tendency among women of European descent.  Media that would elicit immediate social reproach only 50 years ago is today apathetically overlooked.  Of course, the ubiquity of attacks against the dignity of European American people is by design: sometimes the most obvious truths are hidden in plain sight.

Case studies:
Observe the song L.A. Love by Fergie.  On the surface, it is a song about international fame, yet the settings of the song and the choice of actors in the music video reveal a distinctly provincial interest.  Scenes such as a tour bus filled with white/mut women and black men rolling through the 'hood leave little room for alternative interpretation to a rank, disgusting attempt to symbolically cuckold European men.  What other interpretation is available for an overtly sexual, virile, white woman who holds company exclusively with black men and mut women?  What is NOT said speaks volumes.  Another scene shows a white woman of the entourage comforting her white baby while Fergie rolls her eyes in disgust.  In this one scene, a disgust with reproducing one's white lineage, a disgust with white babies, and the complete lack of a sense of shared obligation to future white generations is fucking obvious.  Forget academic feminism as a cause of this kind of behavior by white women: Fergie probably can't read higher than a 3rd grade level.  This kind of self annihilation is just human nature for a conquered class of women.  Intermarriage is common between victorious soldiers and subjugated women throughout history, and L.A. Love simply demonstrates which race has won the war.  L.A. and other cities are occupied territory and this song reveals the plan to transform every other white city on Earth in the exact same way.  Notice that no African or Muslim cities are mentioned by name at all.  If Fergie and her entourage of gangstas attempted this shit in Pakistan they would all go quietly missing.  Just goes to show, the hands across America miscegenation advocates only seem to target those races most predisposed to gentleness and peace.  Hence, white and Asian women have become the sexual playthings of the world while every other race of woman is left well alone.

Next, check out the degenerate Dev, and her song Kiss It.  On the surface, it is a breakup song defending her choice of slutting around and castigating the offended, presumably white male, and that alone would be bad enough if the music video and choice of cameo were not so blatantly indicative of mixed race cuckoldry.  Dev is shown sexually taunting her weak white ex-boyfriend by cavorting with his black replacement, Sage the Gemini.  She flirts with the possibility of reconciliation, then responds with the admonition that he can kiss her ass.  She also taunts his physical prowess against her new black boyfriend, saying the white man "couldn't fuck with him."  Subsequent scenes tease and deny sexual access with the presumed black victor directly in the foreground... exactly where symbolic cuckoldry is best hidden.

In my sensitive liberal days, I used to see this form of media as progressive and edgy.  How against the norm to replace a 'typical' dominant white male with a black one... or a woman... or a damn garden gnome.  The problem with this conclusion is that progressive ideas, once accepted, become the new conservative.  The two songs above demonstrate that there is nothing new about mixed race cuckoldry.  In fact, it is the new normal in popular media where a love affair between degenerate white women and black men has been quietly occurring for the past 10-20 years.  It's enough to make you think the defenders of white heritage were right when they talked about black men coveting white women...

White men who protest too loudly to this blatant disrespect in the media are treated as aggressive savages who will hurt and kill white women and their dusky lovers, but the reality is simpler, and more amusing.  The silver lining to this situation for proud white men (yes fuckers, we still exist), is that our errant women have picked so badly among our competition that only our weakest brethren are driven to violence.  The strong white men of the world are simply calling white women's bluff.  Go ahead and breed indiscriminately with criminals and civilization's rejects.  We will continue to breed with even better white women, raise our families, and defend our communities.  To the death.  You miscreants will receive much worse than our aggression.  You will ultimately receive only our apathy.

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