Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Purpose of Psychology

Psychology as a science and profession has succumbed to the current academic climate of political censorship, misandry, and enforced ideological homogeneity.  As a result, the very purpose of psychology has been utterly obscured.  To demonstrate the extent of this corruption of the scientific enterprise, I will compare the modern profession of psychology with modern pharmacology, another field which has seen the study of helping people acquiesce to the profit motive.

Medicine, as it is practiced in modern America, is designed to merely cure people of a growing laundry list of ailments, many of which are entirely preventable without the input of any doctor.  Moderate exercise and a healthy diet are the greatest preventative medicines available, they are virtually free, and they allow a person to optimize their health.  However, rather than focusing on these constructive methods, medicine has become embroiled in a pharmaceutical conflict of interest which has made it more profitable for patients to be dependent than healthy.  The same conflict exists in psychology, however, more than the patients' mere physical health is at stake.

Psychology, if it is to be considered an actual profession, must serve one of two mutually exclusive goals: 1. Psychology is designed to help people become normally adjusted, or 2. Psychology is designed to help people become as extraordinarily adjusted as possible.  This tension between the need to serve the collective and optimize the individual has never been fully resolved by the field and has thus allowed for Psychology to become a contributor to an incestuous web of institutions which has as its purpose the destruction of the western family and the complete suppression of the individual.  These institutions include the legal institution which profits from the destruction of the American family through divorce, the addiction treatment field which profits off the self medication of ex-husbands, ex-wives, and children of broken families, the media which popularizes the destruction of the family and the joys of sexual irresponsibility, the political sphere which levies taxes on men which transfer free money to single women thus hindering the ability of a man to start and support a family in the first place while encouraging further sexual irresponsibility, the abortionists who fix with knives and pills what the other institutions alone have failed to prevent, and the counseling profession which profits from encouraging the hatred of men and family which fuels the whole process.  For the field to remain hidden as a weapon against western civilization only requires that it help people become normal again after damaging them by rationalizing the destruction of their families.  Psychology has acted so long in the context of deconstruction that to envision its possibilities as a constructive pursuit is practically forgotten by the modern academy.

This author supports the notion of psychology as a humanist institution which has as its purpose the self actualization and optimization of the human life experience both in an individual and collective sense.  The goal of every therapist should not be to normalize clients, but to help every client appreciate life to the fullest possible extent, even if every other normal person lives in despair.  The purpose of marriage and family therapy should also be to optimize the quality of individual families, not to make those families compatible with the futile squabblings and dissatisfactions of typical marriage.  Psychology should realize its own potential as a force which expands the human condition beyond the tired, predictable cycles of conflict, dissatisfaction, ennui, nihilism, war, betrayal, and despair, thereby expanding societies into fully functional, voluntary collectives of fulfilled people who work together to expand their possibilities.  It is likely not lost on the reader that the expansion of the human condition will be bitterly opposed by those currently profiting from the destruction of people on a mass scale.  That's where the martial perspective comes in.

Real psychological health is exemplified by those with extraordinary tolerances for austerity, hunger, isolation, and pain.  Psychology should seek to increase the capacity of individuals to weather deleterious events with dignity and stay resolved in seeking and accomplishing personal goals.  A person who achieves objectives with a laser focus without distraction, can withstand criticism without anger, can praise an enemy or punish a friend if the situation demands it, and can accomplish all without faltering is psychologically healthy.  That the people most capable of these feats tend to be martially disciplined is no coincidence.

The only way to fight the tendency to destroy is to exist as an irrepressible example of personal and collective development.  One must show the right way for others to follow.  Others must have sufficient bravery to stand, but one individual must stand first in clear opposition to cycles of deconstruction and pain by building themselves and helping others.  There is no guarantee of victory and a certainty of conflict, but it is the only way to use one's life as a force for constructive improvement rather than endless destruction.  This author for one will stand and die for something better.  This blog is merely a small piece of standing up in the face of utter horror.  No friends will be made here, but solutions will be thrown into the face of those who ignore them.  At least in this blog, ignorance will not be made easy.  The reader is encouraged to meditate on ways they have contributed to cycles of deconstruction, even unwittingly, and ways they might take a stand for the happiness of themselves and others.

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