Monday, July 10, 2023

Establishing a Movement for Our Guys

In the current cultural zeitgeist it is nearly impossible to foment an effective opposition.  Movement figureheads are denied a platform, imprisoned, and professionally destroyed.  Their speech is censored.  Their business associates, family, and even fellow movement members are turned against them through provocation and lies.  We are the enemy of the government which controls violence and currency, the media which controls the popular narrative, the academy which controls scientific precision, scope, and depth, and corporations which control industry and one's ability to survive.  We remain their enemy, even those cowards among us who proclaim loyalty and submission to the system's rule.  In other words, the system has us well and truly beaten before we even consider resisting.  They know it and we know it.  That's why organizing an effective offense has been nearly impossible up to this point.  Even symbolic gestures have been outlawed or made de facto illegal by the legal establishment to prevent even a shared recognition of purpose or feeling of pride from developing.  Proud people are motivated people.  The best way to undermine a political movement is by denying that movement pride, which denies them the necessary will to act against immediate interests in the favor of their objectives.  Why else would the system incentivize pride in every other group to the exclusion of everything, even financial gain?  There is no money in gay pride, black pride, feminist pride, immigrant pride, or any other sort of pride.  Yet it is relentlessly promoted, even against the wishes of paying customers.  That's because pride costs something and awards everything.  Our enemies understand this, which is why they are willing to go all in to advance pride above all else.  Ultimately, little else is required once they have achieved a proud constituency.  Pride is the precondition of victory.  That is why WE can never be allowed to express or even quietly believe that we are a proud people with a birthright.

The shortcoming of all previous iterations of our movement was the implicit or explicit assumption that we must change or improve our people to defeat the system that dispossesses us.  That is a fatal flaw that contradicts our own premises.  We cannot change certain immutable characteristics.  Before I list our many virtues, it is important to outline our many inherent flaws.  Our "fragility."

Firstly, we mature slower than our competitors.  This can be clearly observed in any integrated environment where members of different peoples are placed into close proximity.  The 12 year old boys of our people compete against 12 year old men of other peoples.  We are physically slow to develop strength, sexuality, and aggression.  This is no fault of our people, but of a system that is trying to house boys and men in the same institutions at formative ages.  (This was one reason among many that integrated schooling was until very recently considered unthinkable by the average citizen).  In an integrated society, the best our boys can currently do is to lay low and survive the depredations of fully developed predators.  Exacerbating this problem is the presence of our girls (also recently integrated), who seek guidance and protection from stronger males.  Since most of the strongest males in youth at this time are of other tribes, our girls quickly affiliate with the stronger tribe, much to the anguish of our boys.  The current ubiquity of cuckoldry in the popular culture had its seeds sewn in a whole generation of our boys desiring our girls, but understanding implicitly that sexual access was being granted to 12 year old men of other tribes, who mature quicker.  The smartest of our girls knew that this kind of transactional sexual affiliation was for safety, not long term commitment, leading many of our men to begrudgingly assume the role of husband and father after attaining maturity too late to stop the depredations our institutions were supposed to prevent.  It is a form of child abuse and demoralization against our boys and girls that will be corrected when our people regain control of our institutions, and no sooner.  We cannot grow our boys and girls into men and women any faster than their bodies will allow.  We must create institutions to shelter and nurture these growing people, not feed them to our competitors before they are developed enough to defend themselves and assert their rights.

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