Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Subversion of the Media: Undermining Sexuality

One of the less appreciated consequences of the media being controlled by a small cabal of racially foreign bad actors has been the indirect manipulation of sexuality within the host population, either intentionally or as a latent product of targeted casting practices within the entertainment sector.
One of the foremost purposes of media is to deliver stories to the populace that reinforce dominant cultural practices and values, but a secondary and vital function is the identification of culturally approved sexualized identities, most notably in the heroes the media chooses to edify.

The importance of media control is exemplified in the nature of women.  They are socially conditioned to a very high degree where it concerns the development of their sexual preferences.  Before finding a man attractive, it is almost necessary for a woman to first vet their chosen partner against the preferences of close friends and family as a way of testing the man's identity against socially sanctioned popular opinion.  Finding the wrong man attractive can expose a woman to social ostracization, which is a form of personal annihilation in the estimation of females, who are by default defined and valued largely through the opinions of their collective. 

The media constitutes the most direct way of transmitting mass opinion, not only in politics and entertainment, but also in sexual selection. Therefore, the men that are most highly regarded in the media are also those who are most eligible as bachelors.  To be a man who is seen and talked about is to be sexually selected by women, and the media is the gate keeper to that conversation, and by extension, to sexual access with the women who converse.  The family and friends milieux were the original contexts of this vetting, which has now been extended to the mass media, absent any concern for long term consequences.  This is evident when you consider that women of our culture were variously conditioned to sexually desire a poor rhinestone wearing musician in the 50's, then 4 boys from Liverpool in the 60's, then long haired drug users in the 70's and 80's, flannel wearing heroin addicts in the 90's, vampires, sorcerers, and werewolves in the 00's, and criminal blacks in the 10's.  The distinct lack of female humiliation in the face of their ridiculous and capricious preferences should explain both their gullibility as well as their general lack of capacity for self criticism.  If the war for American sexual selection is to be won, it will be a man's war to wage.  We cannot count on women to help us defend their own heritage, and this treachery should be remembered as we strive to retake control of our institutions.  After the lampposts are fully occupied with our subverters, we should not spare the rod where it concerns the fairer collaborators against our people.  Mandatory breeding policies and retributive financial and criminal punishments toward former collaborators should be considered the least of what justice demands after the people of the United States retake their democracy.

In the past decade, white identity of male role models has become a signal for social ostracism and female shame.  This effect only applies to white actors and is absent toward men of other identities.  The long term effects of this media bias are now becoming apparent.  For the demographics of this country to be maintained, the media must be pacified and defanged.  This may or may not require targeted action of an extra-legal kind toward the purveyors of anti-white propaganda.

2020 update: The current BLM riots can be identified by their targets.  Don't ask who the attackers are.  Ask who is targeted for violence or protest.  Statues of white men throughout history who have been politically or militarily venerated are targeted for destruction or vandalism.  White men are their targets.  Individually, we are being subjected to widespread humiliation, violence, and murder in the course of these riots.  Our women have joined forces with the attackers and most of them deserve to be regarded as traitors.  If we prevail in the conflict, let them be treated accordingly.  This is the time to stand tall and refuse to bow before the mob.  If targeted, do what is necessary to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones.  If confronted by the mob and asked to prostrate yourself, refuse.  Do not fear to be imprisoned or killed in the course of righteous struggle.  If targeted for your identity alone, counterattack and win.  Let the cowards of law enforcement lock you up for self defense after the looters have run away.  If you are forced to defend yourself, do not leave bullets in the mag, a blade clean, or surviving attackers to run away.  If acting righteously has become criminal, then be a criminal.  Now is the time to stand up for your ancestors, your heritage, and your birthright.  May all the blood that runs be the blood of traitors, rioters, and provocateurs.

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