Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Martial WOD #3

Today's WOD is deceptively simple.  Go ahead and try it.

100 repetitions of kettlebell snatch with the heaviest weight that allows you to complete all repetitions in ONE set.  Select your weight carefully.  Hand switches are unlimited and you are allowed to rest the k-bell in the overhead position only.  However, once you pick up the weight, you must finish the set.  If you set down the weight, go hang your head in shame, the workout is over and you've proven yourself to have an inflated sense of your own abilities.

Immediately after the set is over, WITHOUT REST immediately bear crawl 30 steps forward and 30 steps backward as quickly as possible.

WITHOUT REST immediately run for 15 minutes as fast as you can sustain.

At no point in the workout is rest allowed.  The full benefits of the movements can only be attained when performed under physical fatigue.

This workout should be doable in less than 30 minutes and will greatly tax all muscle groups and all organ systems, especially if one adheres to a strict balanced diet for the rest of the day.

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