Thursday, September 22, 2016

Two Possible Paths Along the Martial Way

In martial preparation there are two types of people suited for one of two martial paths.  The first was taught through natural consequences that one should strive to never hurt others.  The second was taught through natural consequences that it's normal to hurt others.  The endpoint for these individuals consists of building oneself into a powerful animal restrained by even stronger chains, but the foci of their training will differ dramatically.  

The first individual was raised with very strong chains, but never learned through example how to exert physical power to hurt others.  Their chains are disproportionately strong considering the weak animal they hold back.  Some of these individuals may have never been hit their entire lives.  For these people, building themselves into an animal powerful enough to warrant strong restraint will be their primary focus.

The second person has been hurt by others their entire lives.  They have been beaten into an anxious, angry, ruthless animal who already knows how to harm others and has been given weak chains of self restraint.  Their primary focus will be soothing their savagery and building strong enough chains to retreat from the cycle of violence that made them dangerous.  Mindfulness and self discipline will become their most productive foci.

Regardless of origin, the martial path leads all to the same pinnacle: an exceptionally dangerous person restrained by unbreakable bonds of self control.

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