Friday, July 24, 2015

In the Sexual Market, Be the Bad Man

Western culture is littered with tiny subversions.  One of the most obnoxious to this author is the notion of the "bad girl" as a celebrated cultural institution.  The harm in this meme is evident as soon as you bother to ask, "what makes a girl bad?"  A girl is bad when she sleeps around, acts like a bitch, has zero respect for authority or tradition, lies habitually, and generally annoys and/or harms every person she contacts.  If you want a bad girl, there's a good chance you'll end up with one.

On the other hand, bad boys/men generally fall into the more ambiguous category between legality and moral righteousness.  A bad man/rebel/Byronic hero generally exemplifies a code of personal honor which dictates how much force, if any, he applies to the world.  This type of man also tends to have more trouble staying single than finding a good woman.  If you're a male struggling in the world, you'd better identify your moral code and spend more effort developing it than finding pussy.  If you earn women's respect, their sexuality will follow.  If you chase pussy and lose women's respect, you'll have neither.

Be aware that the man of true moral refinement is not usually celebrated in the broader culture.  To truly be a good man, you may need to be seen as a bad one.