Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Quieting Inner Enemies

In psychology, there exists a notion of 'stimming out,' or nonfunctional self stimulation.  This blog itself could be seen as a form of self stimming, as the author receives no financial or social reward for updating its contents.  Self stimulation can be neutral, in the case of hand flapping, damaging, in the case of head banging, or beneficial, in the case of solitary physical fitness.

One can conceptualize certain inner cognitions as damaging self stimulation when they promote maladaptive behaviors or block adaptive behaviors.  Thoughts related to the opinions of others, one's powerlessness, and one's negative feelings can act as a form of self injury maintained through automatic reinforcement.  Such stims must be actively opposed by the sufferer in order to regain positive self stims associated with improved moral and physical health.

In a real sense, defeating outer enemies is merely a matter of defeating inner enemies of maladaptive cognition.  Every opponent wages psychological warfare by encouraging one to abandon adaptive thoughts for maladaptive ones.  Refuse to believe the opponent's frame of reference, and they cannot defeat you internally, even as they seem to claim an external victory.

It is the author's hope that the writings here serve as a beneficial form of self stimulation that can help guide readers along the martial path.

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