Monday, May 19, 2014

Fear Breeds Evil

A schneevie does not sprout into a scumbag through hatred alone.  First, he or she must fear.  

Fear begins with personal weakness.  One's perceived helplessness, real or imagined, drives them to cast aside basic virtues of empathy, justice, loyalty, and honesty in a fraudulent social contract.  In such a trade, weaklings pledge allegiance to killers to avoid being targeted.  The falseness in the schneevie's compromise stems from a complete lack of loyalty among scumbags.  If scumbags had any loyalty they would not terrorize their own.  

Still, the schneevie, clinging to a life without honor, reduced to base savagery, renounces more and more civilized virtues until they have become the same scumbags they feared through successive approximations.  

To pity these accessories to evil would be a profound mistake.  Their socialized mobilization toward violence and fraud begins through personal weakness, avoidance of responsibility, and fear.  They deserve every pain they sought to escape through appeasement of evil.  

The true warrior of civilized principles cannot defeat genocide or organized witchhunts.  They can choose only two options: escape or die.  However, in so dying they have a choice of death.  Scumbags seek to get their power for free.  It is the place of the warrior to raise the price of evil.  This can be done either through illumination of evil through the manner of one's death or the delivery of overwhelming and targeted violence against agents of death, preferably toward the decision makers.

One must decide what values they will serve in life and death.  One can be a scared soldier rounding up innocents for the firing line, a scared innocent willfully blindfolded and made to kneel, or an unafraid warrior who kills the commander, snatches his gun and goes down in a hail of bullets.  My choice is no choice at all, but a matter of duty to the greater good.  Fuck collaborators, fuck the scared.  If no one feared scumbags, the price of their evil would be too high.  Never compromise with evil or you will join its ranks.  And watch out.  Some of us don't fear you and will fight to an honorable death bathed in your tepid blood.

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