Monday, March 17, 2014

Will Power Training: Crafting the 'Human Weapon'

The goals of a martial enterprise influence its training methods.  In studios which place a premium on will power, training is likely to revolve around pushing limits and increasing one's force of will.

In this way, will power training treats martial techniques like weapons.  Punches, kicks, grabs, locks, and throws are treated in the same manner as gunshots.  In fact, training in this setting can feel like visiting a gun range to throw some lead.  The trainee is primarily concerned about power, speed, and accuracy, but may overlook application, precision, and discretion.

Still, will power training makes good sense for soldiers, police officers, and others who will use their bodies as weapons.  The capacity to weather austerity and remain motivated has great application to the martial way.

Due to the necessarily physical stresses encountered in the course of will power development, the trainee's body will develop muscle, tendon, and bone durability to greater degrees than in softer arts.  Weightlifting and calisthenics, which are merely supplementary in the soft arts, become obligatory to sustain progress and prevent injury during will power training.

Conceptually, the weaponry metaphor is complicated by the necessity of building the weapons of students (power of techniques) concurrently with learning when to use them (tactics).  While an artist well trained in awareness and technique would criticize such a method as useless when the student does not know under what conditions to use techniques, the will power martial artist would counter that a student needs powerful enough weapons to make tactics relevant.  Weak blows delivered halfheartedly with perfect technique and flawless tactics are still weak, unmotivated blows.  This dilemma was present in the Pacific Campaign of WWII where Japanese with superior tactics and martial spirit were outgunned by sheer American firepower, however begrudgingly.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Misplaced Assumptions: Sex, Brinksmanship, and the Male Martial Artist

 The Root of Female Violence

Too often, those involved in self defense do not completely consider their philosophical reasons for engaging in martial training in the first place.  For example, I have seen a martial arts instructor advocate training to use a knife stab to the neck to address a grab from behind.  The disparity of force represented here is enormous.  It is this author's belief that the instructor was only allowed to advocate such a measure unchallenged because she is a woman.  The reason she was not questioned is because most martial artists in this culture do not consider the reality of women's violence or their capacity to wield it.  Even worse, most male martial artists do not consider the passive, more sexual ways women hurt men every day in this culture, nor do they plan to defend against those tactics.  Therefore, it remains typical for women in western culture to advocate for exaggerated acts of incomprehensible violence in response to minor altercations (#killallmen is one example) and to use sexuality as an indirect form of violence (google Brigadier General Sinclair, an exemplary soldier, stripped of rank, humiliated, and disgraced by a single vindictive sex partner who demonstrably lied in court).  Such behavior is now NORMAL to western women.

The majority of women do not believe they need martial training, nor do they typically need to physically protect themselves.  That's because most violence is not used against, nor by, women.  Criminal statistics bear this out too often to reiterate here.  The primal power of women lies in sexuality, not physical aggression.  With civilization stripped away, women survive through their sexuality, not their muscles.  Countless conflicts throughout history demonstrate how powerful victors in war are rewarded by the women of the conquered men, often with the tacit acceptance of those women.  Contemporary culture, as it decivilizes, has shown how women reward thugs and other violent men.

With respect to sexuality as a tool of violence, this author does not refer to broken hearts, cheating, and other forms of emotional wreckage.  This author refers to literal VIOLENCE that is perpetrated through women's sexuality.  Examples include women who encourage vengeance killings (among the poor), use the police state as a weapon against men they wish to victimize (among the middle class), advocate legislation which harms others (among the elite), and use lies and distortions to put a social bulls-eye on people they wish to harm (among all women).  This author is continually shocked by those male martial artists who do not explicitly acknowledge or prepare for the violence of women, or speak out against it when it occurs.  Considering what's at stake, men should learn to better resist passive female aggression.

When people picture a predatory criminal singling out a man for extortion of his money, most people mistakenly picture a male criminal, hunched over, with a weapon, who intends to commit violence unless that money is forcibly transferred.  But what of the female predator who uses her vagina to accomplish the exact same outcome?  A woman who will likely receive social, even political support for her robbery?  This woman is every bit as dangerous and far more common than the male mugger.  So how should a man protect himself from this enemy?

Fundamental Tactics to Resist Female Seduction/Aggression


Much like martial training teaches a man to absorb, redirect, and oppose increasing levels of physical force by an assailant, Venusian arts training, otherwise known as 'Game,' can help men absorb, redirect, and oppose increasing levels of seductive force by women.  Though most game theorists use game for its practical outcome of scoring pussy, men can also learn to protect themselves from sexual predation through seduction resistance.  The single most powerful training tool for male self defense against women is sexual brinksmanship.

Just as one can learn to effectively resist a man who uses violence to influence one's decisions, one can learn to effectively resist a woman who uses sexuality to influence one's decisions.  Luckily, men in this culture have one of the most effective training tools imaginable: pornography.  What is pornography but a collection of the sexiest possible women engaging in the sexiest possible behaviors to manipulate men into giving them money?  By training to resist the seduction of women who are 10's, a man can theoretically resist the seductive advances of any woman he meets.

The method is simple.

1.  Limit yourself to one orgasm per day.  When you have this orgasm, it can be accomplished through fantasy or sex only.  No pornographic pictures or videos allowed.  The rest of the day, when tempted by pornography, watch freely, but spend no money, and do not orgasm.  Masturbate to the point of 'throbbing' 4 times, then stop watching.  Go do something productive.  Repeat this process as necessary, then manually orgasm only 1 time or have sex before bed, without visual aid.

2.  Visualize denying porn actresses your sperm.  You are regaining control of your sperm back from women.  When this becomes easy, visualize denying the women around you your sperm unless they have earned it.  This will increase your confidence and reinforce a healthier attitude toward sex that values your fundamental worth as a person.  You will begin to have better standards for female behavior, make better choices in relationships, and set firmer boundaries.  You will also become more selective and demanding in the bedroom, an attribute psychologically healthy women will appreciate.

3.  For best results in brinksmanship, use a time when your work for the day is done, or as a brief break.

4.  At first, use a highly sexually charged, flirtacious softcore type of pornography which closely simulates natural female seduction.  Videos of twerking, dirty talk, bodily display, and other suggestive videos are best.  Masturbating to videos of penetrative sex are actually counterproductive as they encourage a man to take the subconscious role of cuckold.  Eventually, you will be able to practice without visual aids using fantasy alone.  At this point, you will reach a state of 'masculine presence' where attractive women stimulate you, but do not modify your behavior.  If you feel inclined to ask whether you're there yet, you aren't.

At this point in your development, women you know will begin to separate into two categories: 1. Good women who sense your control, respect you, and want to earn your sperm by winning your favor, and 2. Evil women who feel entitled to your lust and will attack you for your autonomy.  By increasing your sexual power in this way, you will simultaneously draw in good women and enrage evil women.  Use brinksmanship to further steel yourself against manipulation by both.  Both types of women will attempt to overcome your resistance in two different ways.  A good woman will attempt to win your sperm and your exclusivity while an evil woman will attempt to manipulate you into giving favors and masturbatory tributes whilst simultaneously rejecting your advances and denying you access to any better women.  Both types of women want your exclusive attention, but only one type will pleasure you on command and follow your lead.

Other benefits of brinksmanship include: a more satisfying and autonomous sex life, greater comfort while interacting with attractive women, a more balanced appreciation for attractive women without the predatory feelings which accompany unrestrained lust, greater feelings of bliss and peace due to a calm stream of endorphins which do not crash in the calamitous wave of orgasm, greater amounts of sperm per orgasm, harder erections, and less symptoms of erectile dysfunction in healthy men.

Distance, Preemptive Recording, and Legal Representation

When you suspect a woman has singled you out or might single you out as a social target for violence, you must react quickly using three tactics: distance, preemptive recording, and legal representation.  Your financial security will influence which tactics are available to you.

If you suspect lower class violence of the vigilante sort due to false claims of rape, violated honor, etc., make any sort of distance you can from that woman.  Do not answer calls, do not stay in the same city, get away.  Your brinksmanship training will make this easier.  Your life is in possible danger and you must react accordingly.  A man does not ever fight a single woman.  He fights both her and the mob of men who will do violence for her approval.  No one ever asks the lynching victim for their side of the story.  Simply get away.  Time may disperse the mob, but they will always remember you as a social target for violence.  Count your losses and leave town if you are singled out for mob violence.

If you suspect the more middle class, civilized variant of this mobbing, begin recording every interaction you have with this woman.  Continue to avoid calls and interactions, but also be ready to record any attempt she makes to reinitiate contact.  She will try to contact you as a means of creating conflict so she can make you seem hostile to others.  Remain calm and record everything.  This will help you later when she inevitably calls the police to take you away.  Do not speak to the police or the woman, though you can show the police recordings as long as they do not seem likely to destroy or confiscate them.  Just record everything and save it all for the courtroom.

If you suspect character assassination as a successful man, you must, whenever possible, enlist the services of an attorney.  Be ready at all times to preemptively sue women who seem likely to attack your character.  Make distance, record everything, and additionally hire legal counsel to financially attack predatory women who wish to harm you.  At the elite level, everyone will be recording YOU as well.  Make sure you enjoy your vices over secure internet connections, be discrete in your sex life, and keep your dirty laundry locked away from everyone (even friends and family).  If necessary, hire a therapist to vent your secrets.

Wrapping Up

No one, man or woman, has the right to initiate violence on another.  In equal measure, everyone has the right to self defense.  Hopefully, these methods will help round out the martial philosophy of those who anticipate conflict with women.