Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Eating the Army for Breakfast: Week 4 Complete and a Major Modification

Shortly following my first week in ketosis, I was beset by a sudden attack of severe cardiorespiratory symptoms that worsened, even as I lost weight.  This confluence of symptoms seemed to perfectly describe congestive heart failure, and the fact that my symptoms worsened as I lost weight darkly mirrored the finding that loss of bodyweight predicts mortality in those with this disorder.  Given that I have many life goals to accomplish, dying is unacceptable right now, even if suffocating to death is hardly the worst way to go.  A visit to a doctor provided little comfort and more questions.

Following an evening of research encouraged by my inability to sleep, breathe, or relax, I discovered that a plant based diet has been known to manage and possibly reverse heart disorders.  Unfortunately, this diet involves a complete abstinence from meat, eggs, dairy, alcohol, sugar, and oils of all kinds.  Additionally, the plant based diet requires continuous feeding on green vegetables throughout the day to maintain antioxidants for cardiovascular support and adequate nutrients to prevent deficiencies on what is essentially the strictest possible version of a vegan diet.  Since I hardly have a choice in the matter and the lack of any empirical support for ketogenic diets reversing heart disease, I abruptly began the diet from two weeks ago until now.  The results have been dramatic.  I have had a reversal of symptoms, which has not been documented in the medical literature.  And despite some lingering shortness of breath, no symptoms have been as severe since I started the plant based diet.

Since survival is my first priority at this point, my fitness needs have also remained identical.  I must maintain adequate physical power to protect myself and my family, regardless of my diet or physical health.  Therefore, I've maintained 100 squats, 50 pushups, 50 situps, and 3 miles of running performed as quickly as possible as many days as my work schedule allows, which usually averages 3-4 times per week.  I have also incorporated overhead pressing, kettlebell snatching, kicking, crawling, and loaded carrying to this routine to round out my bodily development.  In conjunction with the new diet, I have lost muscle and fat, but maintained my conditioning.  More weeks on the schedule will reveal whether further muscle loss occurs.  At this point, even sacrificing martial capacity is an acceptable tradeoff for increasing my lifespan.

The diet requires me to daily prepare 6 servings of cooked green vegetables, 1-3 servings of raw green vegetables, a bowl of beans, a bowl of rice, 3 tablespoons of salsa, a bowl of wheat cereal with oat milk, and 3-4 slices of whole wheat bread smeared with hummus and banana.  Seasonings have been used as little as possible.  Despite being barely able to fit this much food in my stomach, I have lost weight continuously.  Interestingly, my cardiovascular symptoms subside immediately following ingestion of green vegetables, indicating that these foods may counteract the oxidative effects of toxins and stress in addition to helping repair damaged tissues of the heart and other systems. 

I'll post back next week for week 5, hopefully with more good news.